The birds are chirping as a summer breeze blows through the trees. You swing in a hammock without a care in the world while enjoying this summer’s must read book. This is relaxation at its best.
Guests with their noses stuck in a book, are a common sight at Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain. With the busy lives many of us lead, it can be difficult to find the extra time to indulge in slower paced passions like reading.
This is one of the many benefits of visiting Scandinave Spa. Not only do people come to relax, but also to escape the stresses of the real world. The rest stage of the three stage process provides guests the opportunity to rest their body, and clear their minds. This is done by many with a good book.
A new trend emerging in spas throughout North America is the creation of book clubs. The introduction of book clubs into spas is such a great idea that it’s surprising it hasn’t happened sooner. We already know that reading is a healthy activity that exercises the mind, but to pair it with a visit to the spa is the perfect match. Why not bring people together in a place they love to read and discuss a selected book one night a month?
Since book clubs have been successful in other spas, Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain is curious to see how many people would be interested in participating in a book club. If you are, please click the like button below or leave a comment. If there is enough interest, this is something we may consider introducing.
As summer is upon us and many of us are looking for a good read, we decided to include a list of the top summer picks for 2013. Hopefully you find something to read on your next spa visit!
Heather’s Summer Picks from Chapters Indigo:
We asked you on Facebook what you’re reading this summer. Here are your picks: